| At Boondockers Farm the focus is rare specialty fruits, vegetables and breeds that are in need of preservation.
You can follow the farm on...

are outside Oregon City, in Beavercreek, 20 miles from Portland,
Oregon. Our farm is dedicated to providing the most sustainable,
amazingly fresh, humanely, all pasture raised, breeding stock, heritage
meats, eggs, and heirloom seeds to the Portland, Oregon and the
surrounding areas. For genetic diversity purposes we do ship our seeds
& day old ducklings to 49 states and Canada, March through September.
 Using the most innovative pasture rotational grazing systems we are able to produce an amazing food forest on the land using the animals as the heart of the ecological system. The animals we focus on are listed as critically endangered by the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy and are well deserving of re-popularization. In order to make a closed cycle, we hatch and breed every bird on our farm, it is a true closed system.Unlike many other farms that have chicks brought in every year from massive hatcheries.
Availability is now for Spring 2016

Our other passion is Seeds...
We have a wide genetic variety of open pollinated, heirloom, and regional landraces hundreds of varieties of vegetables.

We have a few pups for sale inquire here!
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